Poll: MSNBC least trusted news network in America
Public Policy Polling, a Democratic pollster, recently released its annual survey of the most and least trusted news networks in America. MSNBC tied NBC as the least trusted news outlets in the country, each receiving 3% support in the poll. Fox News on the other hand is once again the most trusted network in America with 35% of respondents choosing it.
PBS came in second with 14%, ABC in third with 11%, and CNN and CBS each won 9% and 6% respectively. Comedy Central tied MSNBC and NBC with 3% support.
MSNBC and NBC’s poor showing in the poll this year represents a drop in public support for the two networks. Last year MSNBC garnered 8% of the vote and NBC received 5%, tying it with Comedy Central.
It is not surprising that the trust that the public puts in MSNBC has falling since last year, as the network had an abysmal 2013 and has gotten off to a bad start in 2014.
Two days ago the network tweeted that right wing conservatives would dislike a commercial that included a biracial family. This absurd claim is something right out of 1950, and is ironic considering the network backs a political party with a less-than-stellar racial track record.
MSNBC president Phil Griffin was forced to release a public apology, and the network claims to have fired the person responsible for composing the tweet.
Looking back at 2013, MSNBC had its fair share of journalistic scandals.
For example, MSNBC had to fire host Alec Baldwin for screaming anti-gay slurs in public, which happened only a few weeks after he made homophobic comments and threats towards an openly gay journalist.
MSNBC anchor Martin Bashir was forced to resign for making the argument that someone should defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth.
MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry had to apologize for mocking Mitt Romney’s adopted Grandson for being black and belonging to a white family.
MSNBC anchor Toure’ was called out for attacking CNN’s Don Lemon, calling the black anchor a “white leader.”
The network was criticized for improperly editing the 911 call made by George Zimmerman on the night he shot Trayvon Martin.
Since MSNBC has a history of employing people who use gay slurs, people who taunt black infants, people who encourage violence against women, people who fabricate evidence, and people who think it is okay to call half of the country racist, it is not surprising at all that the network is the least trusted in the nation.